March 30, 2015

These days I've been happier, and I like happy me. I used to dream about true happiness, and I imagined it would only be achieved when I've found my other half. That just like in the books and movies, that special someone will bring pockets of instant happiness. But I write this today, still single, but HAPPY. I used to scoff whenever people told me that one's attitude affects one's perspective. Bull, that's what I thought then. However, today, I do agree that a change in mindset really does impact one's perspective towards life. And I wonder if my unhappiness in the past have clouded my view of life, preventing me from seeing and appreciating the good there is.

Stop Comparing.

Why do we humans enjoy subjecting ourselves to nonsensical competition. And by saying this, I do not disregard the importance of competition. I understand that competition pushes and motivates people to work harder and strive further, but I do not see how petty 'competitions' contributes in any way to make a person better. The constant battle of seeing who has the nicer car, bigger house or even better looking partner, is all this necessary? When we invest so much of our already limited time hoping to outshine the other, we not only miss out on life but we achieve nothing. Yes, so we might have got the nicer car, but so what? Is one truly satisfied? Well, we might be until we find someone who has outshone us. This 'competition' never ends because there is always something better and out of reach that we want. Human beings are never satisfied with the present. Appreciating the present is tough, but it's important. We get so caught up with yesterday and tomorrow that we forget about today. The past and future are both out of our control, but yet we seem to fuss about it so much. Why not spend the time making today great, so that we can look back on yesterday with no regrets. Or rather, leave yesterday and focus on a new today. When I stopped comparing myself to others, I began seeing more good and less flaws in myself. I realized that I no longer hated the girl that was looking back at me in the mirror. Despite the imperfections, I loved her and I thank God for that. The inferiority that used to engulf my entire soul vanished like a demon that was exorcised. In that moment, I knew what it meant to be happy; no longer having to put on smiles before I leave the house. This feeling of liberation from jealousy, hate and petty 'competitions' is something I want to keep forever.

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