November 1, 2013

I've came across two articles that really got me thinking. I never like mentioning this about myself, but I'm turning 21 and have never been in a relationship ever. People look at me with disbelieve (every time) when they hear it. I'd be lying if I say it doesn't affect me. Cause it does. Why is it everyone else has no problem finding someone, but me? I can't help but think that there's something wrong with me. Somehow or rather, I feel that society makes having a relationship seem so important. As if it's the ideal way of life, and that being single is somehow wrong. Coming across this article 'Single and not waiting' made me realize that, not only was I not alone in this situation, but that it is okay to be single. So it may not seem ideal according to society's standard, but it is normal and it is okay. There have been countless occasions when I've been mad at God for not granting me a boyfriend. The truth is, He does not owe me a boyfriend and neither do I have the right to demand one from Him. I do not believe in soul mates and as much as I would like to think that there is someone out there for everyone, I do not think so. My many years of bitterness has now disappeared. I can finally say that I've accepted my single hood and I'm not going to harp on this matter. Cause as far as I'm concern, a 'boyfriend' is not just gonna magically appear in front of me. If things are meant to be, it will be. There's no point forcing something that's never gonna be. Why waste life waiting aimlessly for something that you're not even sure exists, when you can live it to the fullest and maybe even make a difference to someone's life? Just a thought.

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