October 11, 2013

As a child, we were taught by our parents and teachers to love ourselves. To be happy with the way we are, cause we're all special, unique and beautiful in our own way. Funny how as we grow older, society tells us otherwise. "Not skinny enough", "Not pretty enough", "Not good enough". Ironically, we get rejected for being ourselves, for having an opinion different from society's; because conforming is the right thing to do. Life is unfair. That's the hard truth.

Growing up I was always that girl that no one knew the name of. Nameless. That's exactly what I was. Or maybe still am? Constantly inferior to everyone around me. I was never good enough. Even if I was, there was always someone better. As if I was meant to be a shadow. A shadow that constantly gets overlooked. I was never anyone's first priority and probably will never be. I tried bluffing myself that one day things will get better, but I outsmarted myself. These thoughts I bury deep inside me, so I can put a smile on my face. But sometimes, just sometimes, they creep out from within and drag me under. How deep do I have to hide for it to stay hidden forever? I just want to be good enough. For once, not be someone else's shadow.

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