February 27, 2013

I guess the saying, 'birds of a feather flock together' is pretty legit. Why is it so difficult for us to break out of our comfort zone? Myself included. That familiar face and sound we all look for. Fitting in is just tough. Especially with the Europeans. Honestly, asian kiwis are fine, it's just the blonde colour... Dark coloured hair seems more comforting. It's intimidating, with their accents and somehow it feels like they think we asians are not good enough. Could just be me being paranoid. It's more a 'hi bye' kinda thing, but I can't have a conversation with them. Just can't. Aside from all that, there are a few locals who are pretty friendly and actually nice. I do wanna make friends with them, but it's really hard. I don't know how to go about doing it. Thankfully I met a Singaporean and it was THE best day! That feeling is just so amazing. I could finally speak Singlish and not having to be all pretentious with perfect English. Gosh, that was a chore. I now cherish my fellow Singaporeans. Making friends back in Singapore was never this difficult, despite our differences. But I think I've made some friends who will stick with me through this 3 years. I hope.
Cheers x


  1. it takes time!!!! im sure you'll find really great friends there! don't forget us k!! :')
