January 30, 2013

Right or Wrong

Let's just say there were no regrets. After much contemplation and worrying, I've decided to do it. And that feeling after getting inked is just AMAZING! I can understand why people get addicted to tattoos. Weird as it may seem, I felt way calmer when I was at the shop. And I wanna say thanks to the guy who did mine. IT WAS GORGEOUS! I was stressing out over the pain, but it turned out to be fine - not as bad I had imagined. On a scale of 5 (with 5 being the most painful), I'd say, 1? All in all, I worried for nothing. I feel kind of bad dragging my brother down with me though. Knowing he wants one, I still asked him to accompany me, and yes, he got one too. Worse thing, my parents think he was the instigator. Geez, I feel awful... Telling my parents about it was frightening. We were literally shaking. I knew they would be disappointed and upset. I'd rather be upfront with them, then lie. First of all, hiding would be tedious and it would be beyond tiring having to worry they'd find out. Secondly, it would be worse if they found out through a third party. Already it hurt hearing from my own mouth, what more someone else? Obviously it wasn't easy telling them and having to see the utter disappointment in their faces. Seriously, nobody wants to be the child that disappoints their parents. My mom thinks that I did it out of spite and rebellion, but that's not it. Not even slightly close. I have family and friends who loves me and a perfectly fine life. What on earth would I be rebelling against? No matter how I explained, it would be an act of rebellion to her. Sigh. On the other hand, my dad was pretty cool about it. He was WAY calmer than my mom. As much as I got hell, I'm glad I did what I did. I know it - telling, was the right thing to do. I just hope my mom will come to realize that it's just something I want and definitely not an act of rebellion. I love them both very much and would not do anything to hurt them. But I guess I did.

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