January 30, 2013

Anxiousness, fear, excitement. The combination of three is the result of the so called butterflies in the stomach. My current emotional state. Except that it's probably 10 times worse. Which also explains the writing - relieve. I might have an added piece of art to my body. 'MIGHT', if I don't chicken out, that is. The fear of pain is wow... I can't even begin to explain. Hence I shall leave it as that. As much as I want it, I hope I do not succumb to fear. Then I'll just be nothing more than a wuss, too afraid to do anything. Needless to say, everything has consequences - parents. If they do come to know about it - which they will, I will be that child who disappoints their parents, and that would suck. But I guess it's a sooner or later issue. Just got to find the perfect time and words. I'll start worrying when or if it happens.

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