September 1, 2011

My dad is leaving for Chiang Mai on the 15th for 2 months. Not too sure what he's going to do there, but it's something along the lines of charity. That also means free labour for 2 months, which my mom is not too pleased about. My dad is super strong headed and once his mind is made, there's no changing it. Being away means celebrating his birthday alone as well as missing my mom's and brother's birthday. Never been to Chiang Mai, so I'm not too sure about the situation there. Quite worried really. I'm guessing it's like Bangkok? Thought I could escape the airport farewell since I'd be working. But chances seems bleak, cause it's a night flight. Pray my emotions will be under control. Dry up the tear ducts. Hopefully school and work will keep me busy and 2 months will pass like the speed of light.

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