August 30, 2011


Long overdue, but I finally passed my driving! Loving it! No more dragging myself down for lessons. So afraid that I would fail at my first attempt. 4 out of 5 my guy friends who took manual failed at their first attempt, what more me, a girl. Stereotypically, guys are better drivers. But noo, I proved society wrong. HAH! My license photo is horrendous! My hair looks like I just woke up from bed, my face.. need not say more, looks like I haven't slept in 84234234723241 years. All in all, CUI. Honestly, my mom needs to relax. Going at my back every second. "Don't drive so fast la", "Traffic light must slow down", "You shouldn't have done that, very dangerous" -.- Quite annoying. Mothers, what can I say. 8 long months has paid off, and I'm actually secretly proud of myself. ;)


  1. YAY!! SO HAPPY FOR YOU MEL:) Shiok sia... now you can drive us around. lol. btw you free tmr? wanna meet up for lunch?

  2. hahaha, wait till my parents let me drive on my own, then can fetch ya'll! haaha
