June 21, 2012


My obsession with food is increasingly frightening. No, I'm not sick. And no, I do not gorge and stuff myself with unnecessary calories. I just love food. TOO MUCH. Be it actually consuming it or simply just looking at it. Believe it or not, I can browse through food blogs forever. It's like an addiction. If only technology had reached an advancement where one could virtually pick food as they wish. That itself spells A.W.E.S.O.M.E.N.E.S.S. I can't even... Wow. The mind is constantly thinking about what to have for the next meal whilst wolfing down the present. Frankly, I'm more a dessert person. But hey, I ain't giving up no savoury dish to no one.
Cliché as it sounds 'I live to eat'.

Breakfast - the most important meal happens to be my favourite meal and perhaps the only legit reason for me to get out of bed. It annoys me when I'm faced with a sloppy breakfast. Worse still an unsatisfying one. Such is just unacceptable. Hence, the extra careful thought put into planning. Would I sacrifice sleep for food? That's the constant dilemma one has to deal with.

I hate myself for conforming to the worlds' perception of beauty. I'm a girl, I'll never look in the mirror and like what I see. When will I ever have the courage to do what I want and not care. Ubber excited for the day when I'm old and the word 'FAT' becomes obsolete. That, I reckon will be the most liberating day! Here's to the day where I can finally say 'Up Yours _|_' to the distorted definition of beauty.

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