March 15, 2011

As each day passes, I'm nearing the day of internship; 21 March. Haven't been giving it much thought, only lately. Seeing the days fly past so quickly, I'll be lying if I'd said I wasn't nervous. New and lost. That'll be me on the first day of work. Dread the 'I'm new, please guide me along' phase and of all, lunch alone. With the little I'm earning, I've decided to pack lunch! Moreover, mother has terminated the cash flow to my pocket. Although I've worked many part-time jobs, it's not the same this time around. Internship/attachment, determines my grade for the semester, as well as the reputation of the school. Not so much the school, rather my reputation in the media industry - future. 5 more days and counting to the beginning of it all. Wish me luck, I reckon I'll need loads of it.

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