January 16, 2018

DAY 3 - 10 interesting facts about myself

1. I enjoy watching crime documentaries. Anything related to murders, serial killers really fascinates me.

2. I'm not a girly kind of girl, something that people who don't know me think I am.

3. I once went on a 40 hour fast to help raise awareness for starving kids in third world countries.

4. I get emotional when I watch sad movies.

5. I'm terrified of needles but yet I've got 2 tattoos and 4 piercings.

6. I'm 25 and still find swallowing tablets frightening. Don't think I'll ever get comfortable taking tablets.

7. I used to get nosebleeds very frequently when I was younger. It was so bad that every time I rubbed my nose, it would cause my nose to bleed as I had a weak vessel that tore very easily. I eventually had to burn it off so the bleeding would stop.

8.I hate dairy, except eggs. But literally everything dairy, I don't like.

9. I've never owned a game console in my life ever.

10. I've never broken a bone or sprained a limb.

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