November 27, 2014

An Open Letter to Young Girls

Disney movies are lies to trick you into believing that 'happily ever after' exists. The truth is, it doesn't. There is no happily ever after or love at first sight. Prince Charming is not going to magically appear at your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers in hand. You have to work your butt off (unless you're flawlessly gorgeous) if you hope to ever see Prince Charming one day. He may not even be that charming after all that hard work. No, he's not going to have sleekly pulled back hair, nor will he be dressed in a perfectly creaseless suit. If you're lucky, he might have perfect teeth. I grew up thinking that one day, my Prince Charming will miraculously appear and we'll get married and have beautiful children and live happily ever after. Reality check; my life is nowhere close to what my 5 year old self imagined it would be. Life is filled with so much more than just searching for your Prince Charming. Growing up comes with responsibilities, troubles, worries, feelings (ew) and a whole lot of redundant shit that gets thrown at you. But being an adult means you gotta suck it up, even though you wish you could crawl into a hole and disappear. Cause life ain't all about rainbows, confetti and unicorns. You learn to put on a smile so people won't question. Slowly you learn to numb that part of your heart. If I could go back and give my 5 year old self some advice, it would be to not have expectations. As William Shakespeare once said "Expectation is the root of all heartache". This proves itself every time. I'm not saying that life sucks, cause it surely does not. Is it filled with sparkles and roses all the time? Of course not. But there are definitely moments of life that are worth appreciating and treasuring. No matter how shitty life may seem, just remember that everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end. ;) All the best living life!


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