May 10, 2012

Reality Check

It's slowly daunting on me that the decision to study in NZ is soon becoming a reality. Things seemed pretty surreal then, but as the day passes, it begins to be part of my reality. Without having put much hope in local universities, it somewhat - to a certain extent, helped mentally prepare myself. Anxiety has been defeated, and now, it's excitement more than anything. I just hope that making friends won't be a chore. Not too sure about mixing with the caucasians :/ Asian - Korean friends, please ;) Greatly looking forward to living in hall! A little apprehensive on my decision to do a double major in Korean and Psychology though. When asked about my ambition, I reply with nothing more than a shoulder shrug. And it's embarrassing at my age to not have a clue on such matters. Given a choice, I want to be Kpop star. Yes, judge all you want. As ridiculous as that sounds, I think that's where my passion lies. As of now, I see myself in a Korean entertainment company. Not as a Kpop star, of course.

That aside, I've been sick for the past 2 weeks. No joke. At least, my nose and throat has decided to be stubborn. What annoys me is my throat. Anything, I can tolerate, just not sore throats. I really really hate how I can't sing! I want my voice back! My body is really testing my patience. Last weekend, it gave me a swollen eye. And now, Elephant feet! Both my legs are swollen, from I don't know what?! Thankfully, they don't hurt, just water retention. WHAT IS THIS?!! Instead from recovering, I'm having more problems. UGH. The amount of medication I'm taking is just...

To end on a happy note, GRADUATION IS NEAR! YAYY!! ^^

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