April 3, 2012

We lie. We all do.

Van, Rae and I were envisioning our ever so bleak future - single hood. The talk of the one, prince charming and the dream guy; do they even exist? Or is it just another convenient lie to comfort the heart? Truthfully, the heart has given up. About time. This is far from being pessimistic. But why get the hopes up so high only to see it crumble. Better to live with no expectations and just embrace whatever life throws at you. "If it's meant to be, it will happen" or "Don't worry, you're still young" BOOOO!! BLEAHHH! Come on! Who am I kidding? It's a more polite and politically correct way of saying, "You're not gonna find anyone. You're gonna live alone with nine cats" So stop lying. The truth hurts - sometimes, but I can handle it. In fact, I've more than accepted it. I'd be lying to say that thoughts of what Mr. Right might be never crossed my mind. I'm a girl. We think of such things. I'd also be lying to say I never thought about how many kids I wanna have. 2 boys and a girl. Of course, the eldest being a boy, then the girl, so he'd look after her, and finally, the maknae, another boy. See? There's more. But I think it's suffice to scare people off. HEE. Seriously. Here's how I envision MY Mr Right. TEEHEEEEE 끝!

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