July 4, 2011

The Usual

It's ironic how they call it work when technically I have absolute nothing to do. Absolute wouldn't be accurate, but I don't consider the minor errands that are expected of me, work. So yeah. Anywho, since I'm ever so free, I shall give a break down of my typical work day. Fast forward to when I arrive at work.

Most mornings begin with me buying a cup of coffee from the canteen, or days when I decide to be a little more health conscious, I go for a cup of tea instead. Either way, it's good! With my iPod plugged in and my coffee in my hand, I proceed to my office located on the 5th floor. If I'm early, I'll be greeted with the daily stack of newspapers placed neatly at my doorstep. If not, it's usually picked up by my friend - which is the case most of the time.

I turn on the computer first thing I get to my desk. Afterwhich I start the daily newspaper checking routine simultaneously while tweeting and tumblr-ing. If I'm lucky, I'm tasked to photocopy articles, call a person or two or run some errands. Otherwise, it's more or less me facing the screen with minimal reports to edit and press release drafts. If not it's just me typing profusely on the keyboard pretending to be busy, like now. By 10am, my stomach is grumbling and I wait till 12.

Lunch time aka the happiest time of the day. The usual would be Melanie, Marcus and I, at times Ryan joins us. We do our usual people watching - which never fails to make people feel self-conscious, distinguishing the hot and cute ones from the crowd. Two stalls that I eat from, Yong Tau Foo and Vegetable Rice. Yup, surviving on these 2 stalls for the past 3 months plus. Daily dose of fruits and juice are a must after lunch. It's back to the office after the bit of socializing.

I face the com somemore till around 4pm when I hear the ring of a bell. Similar to that of an ice cream man. But no, not ice cream. Instead, an indian man with a cart filled with unhealthy fried food along with coffee and tea. Times when the craving caves, I buy some snacks just to distract me from my boredom. Which I always feel guilty afterwards. By 5pm, my mind slowly switches off 'work' mode and eager to pack and leave. My day ends when the hour hand reaches 6 and the minute hand 12. Neaten the desk, pack the bag and a courteous 'bye' to my supervisor and boss.

Pretty much my day at work. Just spells B.O.R.I.N.G
Can't wait till school resumes, reckon I'll have more interesting things to blog about.


  1. hey mel! omg ur morning starts off so similar to mine:) i also get a cup of coffee (but bread also lah). lol just bear with it! i can't wait to go home too .... arghhh 20 weeks is srsly too long man

  2. hahaha! I can't wait to see youu!!! Haven't seen you for ages!!
