April 19, 2011


Almost had a cardiac arrest today. My friend tweeted yesterday saying he felt weird thinking about... Following this tweet, he said he needed to tell me something. He's usually a clown, but this time he sounded serious. All sorts of thoughts was running through my mind. First thought was, Perfect Guy (PG) has a girlfriend. My heart sank like titanic, literally. But thank God, really, it wasn't. In fact, it had nothing to do with me (: That was Tuesday morning for me. Weird? What's weird is beiber fever. The beiber fever seems contagious. Slowly but surely, one by one, my friends are coming down with beiber fever. Symptoms are apparent. Whut?! I don't get the craze over him. Girls go bonkers over a boy, no kid. Insane. But I'm safe, had the vaccination, so no catching the beiber fever. And the fans, needs a check-up. Badly.


  1. WADDUP MEL! OMG i didn't even know you had a blog.. so secretive ah. btw, who is PG?! don't tell me it is redbag. haha

  2. hahah its not redbag la. It's the other one lor. haha Btw,only you, van and ashu knows abt this blog. Oh, and i think redbag likes someone eh.. hahah
