March 7, 2011

The taste of skinny is the best. The perception digested from what the media feeds us. Right or wrong, subjective really. But, positive to say that the bulk of us are swaying, or already believe that skinny is admirable, hence the determination to lose flabs. Guilty I am. In fact, I've decided to pick the rope up again and start skipping. One of my many exercise regimes that never seem to be accomplished. Success of skipping regime, only scales will tell. Depressing to see friends drop a size, while I still remain, unchanged. Considering the effort invested, excluding the countless times having to resist temptation. Undoubtedly, my weakest link. Saying no to food is... by far the hardest. Live to eat. Not eat to live. Sad to say, that's the key to losing weight, accompanied with exercise. And so, the goal shall be fulfilled, once and for all. When offered food, turn your head to the left and right. See-food diet. No touching, tasting allowed.

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