March 4, 2011

The first.

This is my very first post for this blog. Honestly, this isn't my first blog. Have had others, but wasn't diligent enough to sustain it, hence the closure. Hopefully (fingers crossed), this time, it'll remain for a longer period, if not, forever. FYI, no one knows the existence of this blog, so if YOU come across it, and happen to know who I am.. shhhh. It'll just be a secret between you and I. (Y)

Earlier today, I was just thinking about my talents, and guess whaat? I couldn't think of any! Sad, you'd say. Me too. But, there's really nothing that I'm exceptionally good at. Everything's just half-past-six, if you get my drift. Singing, yea in tune, not fantastic. Dancing, able to follow a beat, not awkward or anything. Baking, results are edible, not something to die for. Yup, that's me for you. Talentless really! ): Damn it sucks. Everyone I know, has got at least one talent, but not me. How pathetic. Thinking back, I wished I was sent to ballet or piano lessons, the typical classes every parent sends their kids to. On a lighter note, I'm contemplating if I should talk to this guy on msn. But what will I say? Probably start with some lame question like 'Oh, how's your day?' Ugh, so cliché. I mean, the whole convo will just be so superficial, and it'll end with a sudden bang. And by sudden, I mean sudden. One minute 'online', the next 'offline'. That's the way it is, and I've come to accept it.

This post is just random. Promise the few to come, won't be. Ciao!

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