March 12, 2011

Disclaimer: The following post is just an expression of a young, poor soul. Any similarities to events and actual people are purely coincidental.

You probably can't and won't expect you to comprehend what the heart is feeling, as it doesn't know itself either. Having expectations and hopes that will never make it's way to reality, and unceasingly met with disappointments. Watching from a distance, you and your 'gang', just living the life. While all it does, or can do is watch in envy. Making the effort to initiate and possibly sustaining every convo, but that was all in the past. Now, I've learnt to hold back the urge and let it pass. Believing that if you wanted to talk you would. Furthermore, don't want to seem like an annoying pest. Considered erasing every related info of you, but can't bare to. Delete equals gone forever. Am I prepared to bear those consequences... NAH.

You claim you don't hate me - I believe, but your actions speaks otherwise. Honestly, I'm confused. There're times when you're friendly and nice, while others you're just cold, bitterly cold. Even so, I think you're an awfully nice person, and fun to be around. For what's worth, I'm not exactly complaining about my situation. Compared to before, BIG improvement. Hopefully, it'll maintain, or better, improve further - lots of effort on my part. Awaiting the day where the heart is free from this mess. The time when it can move on and truly say 'it's done'. Chances are, as long as we're in the same region.. tough luck. So I say it's time for me to move away. Far away.

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